P. 156

Unit 11: Culture and Consumer Behaviour

          7.   Discuss the process of measuring culture by using consumer field work. Use a fictitious  Notes
               case to supplement your discussion.
          8.   Examine the pros and cons of individual and collective cultures.

          9.   Can cultural diversity pose problems for a marketer? If yes, then what and how can a
               marketer overcome these problems?
          10.  Assess the rationale behind terminal materialism.

          Answers: Self  Assessment

          1.   Ideological                          2.   learnt
          3.   Global                               4.   terminal
          5.   participant                          6.   Milton Rokeach
          7.   terminal  materialism                8.   shared
          9.   static                               10.  instrumental

          11.8 Further Readings

          Books      Batra, Satish K and Kazmi, S H H, Consumer Behaviour, Excel Books, New Delhi.

                     Hawkins, D.L & Best, Roger,  Consumer Behaviour – Building Marketing  Strategy,
                     McGraw Hill, Indian Edition, New Delhi.
                     Loudon, D.L & Delta Bitta, A.J, Consumer Behaviour, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.

          Online links

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