P. 55

Consumer Behaviour

                    Notes          3.  These  traits  and their relative degree  when  identified  and measured,  are  useful  in
                                       characterising individual personalities.

                                                    Table 4.1:  Cattell’s List  of  Sixteen Personality  Traits
                                       1.  Reserved                    versus                  Outgoing
                                       2.  Less intelligent            versus                  More intelligent

                                       3.  Affected by feelings        versus                  Emotionally  stable
                                       4.  Submissive                  versus                  Dominant
                                       5.  Serious                     versus                  Happy-go-lucky
                                       6.  Expedient                   versus                  Conscientious

                                       7.  Timid                       versus                  Venturesome
                                       8.  Tough-minded                versus                  Sensitive
                                       9.  Trusting                    versus                  Suspicious
                                      10.  Practical                   versus                  Imaginative

                                      11.  Forthright                  versus                  Shrewd
                                      12.  Self-assured                versus                  Apprehensive
                                      13.  Conservative                versus                  Experimenting
                                      14.  Group-dependent             versus                  Self-sufficient

                                      15.  Uncontrolled                versus                  Controlled
                                      16.  Relaxed                     versus                  Tense

                                   Trait theorists construct personality inventories (personality tests) and ask respondents to record
                                   their responses to many items. Respondents are asked to agree or disagree with certain statements
                                   as they please or express their likes or dislikes for certain situations or kinds of people. The
                                   responses are then statistically analysed and reduced to a few personality dimensions.
                                   R B Cattell isolated 171 traits but concluded that they were superficial and lacking in descriptive
                                   power. He sought a reduced set of traits that would identify underlying patterns and identified
                                   16 personality factors, which he called as source or primary traits.

                                   Personality tests that measure just one  trait (such as self-confidence, or innovativeness)  are
                                   called single-trait personality tests. Such tailor-made tests are increasingly being developed for
                                   use in the study of consumer behaviour. Ronald E. Goldsmith and Charles F. Hofacker and also
                                   Marsha L Richins and Scott Dawson have reported that these tests are used to measure traits such
                                   as innovativeness, susceptibility to interpersonal influences and materialism.

                                     Notes  Consumer  Innovativeness  Scale
                                     1.  In general, I am among the last in my circle of friends to buy a new (Game CD*) when
                                         it appears.
                                                    Agreement scale 5 4 3 2 1
                                     2.  If I heard that a new (Game CD) was available in the store, I would be interested
                                         enough to buy it.
                                                    Agreement scale 5 4 3 2 1                            Contd...

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