P. 191
Unit 10: Managing other Promotional Tools
10.8 Review Questions Notes
1. “For successful implementation of direct-marketing, marketers must establish objectives,
specify target market, choice of strategies, and set evaluation criteria”. Discuss.
2. Take an example of any company that practices direct marketing and explain its approach.
3. “Public Relations activities evaluates public attitudes, identifies the policies and procedures
of an organisation with the public interest”. Do you agree? Substantiate your answer with
recent examples.
4. “Publicity is a very powerful weapon and can make or break a product or even company”.
Substantiate with help of examples.
5. Give examples of some advocacy advertisements and discuss its impact on corporate
image. What do you think about such advertising?
6. Examine the effectiveness of direct mailers as a tool of promotion.
7. Discuss the status of direct-response advertising in India. Use suitable examples to
supplement your discussion.
8. The emergence of call centers changed the telemarketing scene in India. Comment
9. Analyse the purpose of targeting the internal audience with public relations activities.
10. "Publicity is a non-personal and unpaid form of communication". Do you agree? Give
proper justifications for your answer
Answers: Self Assessment
1. True 2. True
3. True 4. True
5. False 6. Traffic Builders
7. Advocacy 8. Corporate advertising
9. Public relations 10. Catalogues
10.9 Further Readings
Books Edward L. Nash, Direct Marketing: Strategy, Planning, Execution, Third Edition,
McGraw-Hill, 1995.
Scott M. Cutlip, Allen H. Center, and Glenn M. Broom, Effective Public Relations,
8th Ed. Prentice-Hall, 2000
SHH Kazmi and Satish K Batra, Advertising and Sales Promotion, Excel Books,
New Delhi.