P. 86

Sales and Promotions Management

                    Notes          The Middle

                                   This is the longest section; it must:
                                   1.  Maintain and develop interest
                                   2.  Develop the case through a logical sequence of sub-themes and points
                                   3.  Illustrates, as necessary, with descriptive language and visual aids

                                   4.  Overcome doubts and skepticisms, anticipate specific objections and deal with them and
                                       ensure that the building message is seen as of value to those listening.

                                   The End

                                   There is a need to finish on a high note, maybe with a flourish. The concluding  part of the
                                   presentation must:
                                   1.  Summarise and pull together the arguments
                                   2.  Stress benefits to the group
                                   3.  Make clear what action is now appropriate (and often actually ask for a commitment)

                                   4.  Finish on a memorable note.
                                   Throughout the presentation, the language and gestures (how you appear and the animation
                                   with which you go about the task is just as important as how you sound) used must be:

                                   1.  Clear
                                   2.  Natural
                                   3.  Positive
                                   4.  Courteous

                                     Caution  Remember to put emphasis on key points so that the overall impression is of out-
                                     and-out professionalism—your goal is to get your professional approach prompting people
                                     to think: ‘This is the sort of person I could do business with’ (or learn from).

                                   4.1.7  Participative Techniques

                                   Presentation must be blended with participation to make any training session truly successful.
                                   Quite simply, involvement makes it more likely that learning will take place and that practice
                                   will change as a result; long ago also when Aristotle said—What we have to learn to do, we learn
                                   by doing’—this principle was understood.
                                   This principle is now backed up by research and this shows clearly that learning is more likely
                                   if participation is involved, and that retention of what is put over is much more likely. Because
                                   of this the more you can create involvement in the session—especially if this takes the form of
                                   actually practicing new techniques—the more likely it is that learning will be carried over and
                                   change real work practices for the better.
                                   Prompting involvement can utilise a number of techniques, some as simple as asking a question,
                                   others more complex to set up, such as role-playing which is very much part of the proceedings.

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