P. 203

Labour Legislations

                    Notes          7.10 Keywords

                                   Adjudication: It is compulsory method of resolving conflict/dispute.
                                   Conciliation:  A process by which representatives of  management and  employees and their
                                   unions are brought together before a third person with a view to persuade them to arrive at
                                   some agreement.
                                   ID Act, 1947: A law for investigation and settlement of industrial disputes and other related
                                   matters.  ID Bill was introduced in Central Legislative Assembly in October, 1946; passed in
                                   March 1947; and implemented w.e.f. 1st April 1947. Since the 35 Amendments done to it. It has 9
                                   chapters and 40 sections.
                                   Industrial Disputes: Any dispute or difference between employees and employees, or between
                                   employers and employers, which is connected with the employment, or non-employment, or
                                   the terms of employment or with the conditions of work of any person.
                                   Voluntary Arbitration: When conciliation officer or Board of conciliation fails to resolve conflict/
                                   dispute, parties can be advised to agree to voluntary arbitration for settling their dispute.

                                   7.11 Self Assessment

                                   Choose the appropriate answer:
                                   1.  ……………. can also cause a conflict,

                                       (i)  Layoff                       (ii)  Refusal to accept demand
                                       (iii)  Retirement of CEO          (iv)  Both (i) and (ii)
                                   2.  Conflict that has not actually happened but may happen is ………………….. conflict

                                       (i)  Latent                       (ii)  Manifest
                                       (iii)  Perceived                  (iv)  None of the above
                                   3.  The 3rd party who comes in for conciliation is ………………..
                                       (i)  Conciliation  officer        (ii)  Board of conciliation
                                       (iii)  Conciliation Committee     (iv)  (i) or (ii)

                                   4.  Settlement arrived at by agreement between management and workers outside conciliation
                                       proceeding is only……………….
                                       (i)  Binding on both the employer and his heirs

                                       (ii)  Binding on only the employer
                                       (iii)  Binding on the parties of the agreement
                                       (iv)  Binding on conciliation officer

                                   5.  Arbitration and Adjudication …………………… simultaneously.
                                       (i)  Can be used                  (ii)  Cannot be used
                                       (iii)  May be used                (iv)  Should be used
                                   6.  Which of them is not a compulsory method of resolving conflict?
                                       (i)  Conciliation                 (ii)  Adjudication

                                       (iii)  Arbitration                (iv)  Both (i) and (iii)

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