P. 103
Performance Management System
Notes The third element in the process, i.e., helping also functions in a similar way. It involves three
different elements. Helping behaviour is based on concern and empathy the counselor has for
his counselee. It is also based on mutuality of relationship; counselee responds as much to the
counselor’s needs as the former does to the latter’s. And finally, helping primarily involves
identification of developmental needs of the counselee so that he may be able to develop and
increase his effectiveness.
Interpersonal communication is the basis of performance review in which both the employee and
his reporting officer are involved. The general climate of such conversation in performance review
should be congenial which may help the employee to be in a receptive mood. It is important to
keep in mind that communication is greatly influenced by how problems and issues are perceived
by the two persons involved in the conversation. Communication may get distorted if people are
not empathic to each other and do not try to understand each others’ point of view. Non-verbal
communication is as important as verbal communication. People speak much more through their
gestures and postures than through words. The tone and manner of speaking is also important.
Interpersonal feedback is an important input for increasing self-awareness. It helps in reducing
the blind area of a person, helping him to become more aware about his strengths and weaknesses.
If properly used, it results in higher mutuality between two persons. The process of interpersonal
feedback and conditions which make it effective have been discussed in detail elsewhere.
Note Essentials of Effective Feedback
Feedback will be effective if the person who gives the feedback (counselor) makes sure
that it is:
1. Descriptive and not evaluative;
2. Focused on the behaviour of the person and not on the person himself;
3. Data based and specific and not impressionistic;
4. Reinforces positive new behaviour;
5. Suggestive and not prescriptive;
6. Continuous;
7. Mostly personal, giving data from one’s own experience;
8. Need-based and solicited;
9. Intended to help;
10. Focused on modifi able behaviour;
11. Satisfies needs of both the feedback given and one who receives feedback;
12. Checked and verifi ed;
13. Well timed; and
14. Contributes to mutuality and building up relationship.