P. 139

Project Management

                    Notes          Pre-operative expenses are directly related to the project implementation schedule. So, delays in
                                   project implementation, which are fairly common, tend to push up these expenses. Appreciative
                                   of this, financial institutions allow for some delay (20 to 25 percent) in the project implementation
                                   schedule and accordingly permit a cushion in the estimate for pre-operative expenses.
                                   Pre-operative expenses incurred up to the point of time the plant and machinery are set up may
                                   be capitalized by apportioning them to fixed assets  on some acceptable basis. Pre-operative
                                   expenses incurred from the point of time the plant and machinery are  set up are treated  as
                                   revenue expenditure. The firm may, however, treat them as deferred revenue expenditure and
                                   write them off over a period of time.

                                   Provision for Contingencies

                                   A provision for contingencies is made to provide for certain unforeseen expenses and  price
                                   increases over and above the normal inflation rate which is already incorporated in the cost

                                   To estimate the provision for contingencies the following procedure may be followed: (i) Divide
                                   the project cost items into two categories, viz., ‘firm’ cost items and ‘non-firm’ cost items (firm
                                   cost items are those which have already been acquired or for which definite arrangements have
                                   been made). (ii) Set the provision for contingencies at 5 to 10 percent of the estimated cost of non-
                                   firm cost  items. Alternatively,  make a  provision of  10 percent  for all items  (including  the
                                   margin money for working capital) if the implementation period is one year or less. For every
                                   additional one year, make an additional provision of 5 percent.

                                   Margin Money for Working Capital

                                   The principal support for working capital is provided by commercial banks and trade creditors.
                                   However, a certain part of the working capital requirement has to come from long-term sources
                                   of finance. Referred to as the ‘margin money for working capital’, this is an important element
                                   of the project cost.
                                   The margin money for working capital is sometimes utilised for meeting over runs in capital
                                   cost. This leads to a working capital  problem (and sometimes a  crisis) when the project  is
                                   commissioned. To mitigate this problem, financial  institutions stipulate that a portion of  the
                                   loan amount, equal to the margin money for working capital, be blocked initially so that it can
                                   be released when the project is completed.

                                   Initial Cash Losses

                                   Most of the projects incur cash losses in the initial years. Yet, promoters typically do not disclose
                                   the initial cash losses because they want the project to appear attractive to the financial institutions
                                   and the investing public. Failure to make a provision for such cash losses in the project cost
                                   generally affects the liquidity position and impairs the operations. Hence  prudence calls for
                                   making a provision, overt or covert, for the estimated initial cash losses.

                                   Self Assessment

                                   Fill in the blanks:
                                   1.  A ………………… for contingencies is made to provide for certain unforeseen expenses
                                       and price increases over and above the normal inflation rate which is already incorporated
                                       in the cost estimates.

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