P. 122

Unit 6: Modes of Entering International Business

          6.9 review Questions                                                                  notes

          1.   What kinds of companies stand to gain the most from entering into strategic alliances with
               potential competitors? Why?
          2.   Discuss how the need for control over foreign operations varies with firms’ strategies and
               core competencies? What are the implications for the choice of entry-mode?
          3.   Whose interests should be the paramount concern of government trade policy (the interests
               of producers, business and their employees) or those of consumers?
          4.   Discuss the merits and demerits of the following strategies to enter international business:
               (i) Licensing, (ii) Strategic Alliance, and (iii) Joint Venture.
          5.   A small Canadian firm that has developed some valuable new medical products using
               its unique biotechnology know-how is trying to decide how best to serve the European
               Community market. Its choices are:
               (a)   Manufacture the product at home and let foreign sales agents handle marketing.
               (b)   Manufacture the products at home and set up a wholly owned subsidiary in Europe
                    to handle marketing.
               (c)   Enter into a strategic alliance with a large European pharmaceutical firm. The product
                    would be manufactured in Europe by the 50/50 joint venture and marketed by the
                    European firm.
               The cost of investment in manufacturing facilities will be a major one for the Canadian
               firm, but is not outside its reach. If these are the firm’s only options, which one would you
               advise it to choose? Why?
          6.   What  do  you  mean  by  strategic  alliance?  Also  explain  the  various  benefits  of  strategic
          7.   Describe the various goals of strategic alliance.
          8.   What  do  you  mean  by  merger  and  acquisition?  Give  some  example  of  merger  and
          9.   Describe the various disadvantages of strategic alliance.
          10.   What are the advantages and disadvantages of foreign direct investments?

          answers: self assessment

          1.   Experience curve, location economies
          2.   Turnkey

          3.   Core competencies
          4.   Tariff
          5.   Licensing
          6.   Technological know-how; management know-how;

          7.   Management know-how
          8.   True
          9.   True
          10.   False

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