P. 118

Unit 6: Modes of Entering International Business

          3.   Third, in many countries, political considerations make joint ventures the only feasible   notes
               entry mode.

          6.6.4 Disadvantages of Joint ventures

          As with licensing, a firm that enters into a joint venture risks giving control of its technology to
          its partner.

          1.   A joint venture does not give a firm the tight control over subsidiaries that it might need
               to realize experience curve or location economies. Nor does it give a firm the tight control
               over a foreign subsidiary that it might need for engaging in coordinated global attacks
               against its rivals.

          2.   Shared ownership arrangements can lead to conflicts and battles for control between the
               investing firms in their goals and objectives change or if they take different views as to
               what the strategy should be.

          Massey-/Ferguson entered into a 51% joint venture in Turnkey to produce Tractors.

          American Motor Corporation entered into a joint venture with Beijing Automotive Works called
          Beijing Jeep to enter Chinese market by producing jeeps and other vehicles.

          6.6.5 comparison of Different modes of entry

          Advantages  and  Disadvantages  associated  with  all  the  entry  modes  are  summarized  in
          Table 6.1 below:

                                             table 6.1
            entry mode            advantages                    Disadvantages
            Exporting  Ability  to  realize  location  and  experience  High transport costs
                       curve economies                Trade barriers
                                                      Problems with local marketing agents
            Turnkey    Ability  to  earn  returns  from  process  Creating efficient competitors
            contracts  technology  skills  in  countries  where  FDI  is   Lack of long-term market presence.
            Licensing  Low development costs and risks  Lack of control over technology.
                                                      Inability  to  realize  location  and  experience
                                                      curve economies.
                                                      Inability  to  engage  in  global  strategic
            Franchising  Low development costs and risks  Lack of control over quality.
                                                      Inability  to  engage  in  global  strategic
            Joint ventures  Access to local partner’s knowledge.  Lack of control over technology
                       Sharing development costs and risks  Inability  to  engage  in  global  strategic
                       Politically acceptable         coordination.
                                                      Inability  to  realize  location  and  experience
            Wholly  owned  Protection of technology   High costs and risks.
            subsidiaries  Ability  to  engage  in  global  strategic
                       Ability  to  realize  location  and  experience

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