P. 73

International Business

                    notes          l z  Technology  has  removed the  global  barriers  like  distance, time etc  thanks  to the  latest
                                       technological developments like Internet, e-mail, video conferencing, cell phone etc that
                                       plays a major role in international business.

                                   4.5 keywords

                                   Expert System: It is a specialized application that performs tasks that would normally be done
                                   by a human.
                                   Skimming Price: The charging of a high price in order to gain maximum revenue conducted
                                   under conditions of product uniqueness and inelastic demand patterns.
                                   Sourcing: A decision to have certain components in the value chain manufactured out of the
                                   country often called the “make of buy” decision.
                                   Standardization: Same goods or services marketed in either product, distribution or advertising
                                   form, unchanged in any country.
                                   Standardized Plans: A uniform planning system applied globally, based on economics of scale
                                   and consumer uniformity.

                                   Strategic Business Unit: A self contained grouping of organizations, products or technologies
                                   which serve an identified market and competes with identified competitors.

                                   4.6 review Questions

                                   1.   What are the features of technology?

                                   2.   What is the technology implication of business?
                                   3.   What are the benefits of technology in management and decision-making?
                                   4.   “Technology has drastically reduced time between conceiving an idea and implementing
                                       that idea”. Comment.
                                   5.   List the various communication tools used in international business.

                                   6.   What are the effects of technology on strategy and competition?
                                   7.   Explain the concept of diffusion of technology.
                                   8.   Describe the different phases of technological cycle.
                                   9.   How is possible to transfer technology from one country to another?
                                   10.   “Superior  technology  used  by  the  business  firms  has  resulted  in  improved  quality  of
                                       producing goods, improved efficiency by automation and mechanization.” Comment.

                                   answers: self assessment

                                   1.   E-mail, internet, cell-phone   2.   Hardware, Software, procedures
                                   3.   Traditional, electronic     4.   Technology
                                   5.   MIS                         6.   Transaction Processing System

                                   7.   Companies                   8.   Implementing
                                   9.   Global village              10.  Diffusion
                                   11.   Project team               12.  Development of Technology

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