P. 78

Unit 5: Political and Economic Environment

          Unfortunately there are no absolute guidelines for marketer’s to follow whether the product will   notes
          receive government attention or not.

          Politically sensitive Products

          There are some generalizations that help to identify the tendency for products to be politically
          sensitive.  Products  that  have  an  effect  upon  the  environment  exchange  rates,  national  and
          economic security, and the welfare of the people are more apt to be politically sensitive. For
          products judged non essential the risk would be greater, but for those thought to be making an
          important contribution, encouragement and special considerations could be available.

          forecasting Political risks

          A number of firms are employing systematic methods of measuring political risk. Political risk
          assessment can:
          1.   help managers decide if risk insurance is needed,
          2.   devise and intelligence network and an early warning system;
          3.   help managers develop a contingency plan;
          4.   Build a database of past political events for use by corporate management; and
          5.   Interpret  the  data  gathered  and  getting  forewarnings  about  political  and  economic

          reducing Political vulnerability

          Even though the company cannot directly control or alter the political environment, there are
          measures with which it can lessen the susceptibility of a specific business venture.

          Good corporate citizenship

          A company can reduce its political vulnerability by being a corporate citizen and remembering:

          1.   It is a guest in the country and should act accordingly.
          2.   The profits are not it’s solely, the local employees and the economy of the nation should
               also benefit.

          3.   It is not wise to try and win over new customers by totally Americanizing them.
          4.   A  fluency  in  the  local  language  helps  making  sales  and  cementing  good  public
          5.   It should train its executives to act appropriately in the foreign environment.

          strategies to lessen Political risks

          MNCs can use other strategies to minimize political risks and vulnerability.

          They are:
          1.   Joint ventures,
          2.   Expanding the investment base,
          3.   Marketing and distribution,
          4.   Licensing,

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