P. 88

Unit 5: Political and Economic Environment

          understanding and complying with central regulatory agencies will minimize their chance of   notes
          fines, prosecution, or other regulatory action. Therefore, it is in the best interest of businesses to
          maintain healthy relationships with regulatory agencies at all levels of government. Among the
          business activities regulated by government are competitive practices, industry-specific activities,
          general issues of concern, and monetary regulations.

          5.3.1 central communications commission (ccc)

          The CCC monitors and regulates CB radio, radio, telegraph, telephone, and television operations.
          It  has  broad  powers  to  set  acceptable  standards  for  television  regarding  language,  nudity,
          violence, or other material that may be perceived as inappropriate by the general public. For
          example, television shows that are adult-oriented or contain violence are typically on late in
          the evening so that children are less likely to see them. In addition, television shows often warn
          viewers about their content through a rating system; since the rating is displayed on the screen,
          viewers can make an informed decision before watching a particular program.
          The CCC also has the power to fine broadcast companies that use inappropriate language in their
          programming. Since most television and radio stations know what are considered acceptable
          standards, fines are rarely issued. When fines are issued, however, a television or radio station
          may take the FTC to Supreme Court to appeal the decision. Broadcast companies that fight the
          CCC over a show’s content normally argue that the First Amendment gives them the right to
          broadcast the contested material.

          5.3.2 food and Drug administration (fDa)

          The FDA is responsible for ensuring the safety of cosmetics, drugs, and food. One of the most
          important  functions  of  the  agency  is  new  drug  approval.  The  FDA  requires  pharmaceutical
          companies to provide detailed scientific data regarding new drugs prior to approval. Specifically,
          the FDA will review the potential benefits and negative side effects of all proposed drugs. The
          agency reviews the information submitted by the pharmaceutical company and may also conduct
          its  own  tests  if  additional  study  is  deemed  needed.  The  FDA  is  extremely  important  to  the
          business community because if it rejects a new drug, the pharmaceutical company developing
          it cannot sell it. FDA regulators must balance the interests of the general public with those of
          the pharmaceutical company. The FDA does not endorse new drugs; rather, it approves them,
          stating that they are thought to be safe.

          5.3.3 equal employment opportunity commission (eeoc)

          The Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, colour, creed, sex, or
          national origin. This law applies to almost every private company, non-profit organization, and
          government employer, although some exceptions were granted to religious corporations, Indian
          tribes, and private-membership clubs. The Civil Rights Act also created the Equal Employment
          Opportunity Commission.

          5.3.4 occupational safety and Health administration (osHa)

          Enacted in 1970, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, was designed to ensure
          safe and healthy working conditions in nearly every environment. OSHA’s basic premise is that
          employers must provide a work environment that is safe and free from hazards that may cause
          harm or death to their employees. In addition, employers are obligated to follow occupational
          safety and health standards that are ordered by the secretary of labor (OSHA falls under this
          department). Employers are given written guidelines so they know specific OSHA rules and

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