P. 90

Unit 5: Political and Economic Environment

          5.3.6 consumer Product safety commission (cPsc)                                       notes

          Another powerful central agency was created in 1972 under the Consumer Product Safety Act.
          The  law  created  the  Consumer  Product  Safety  Commission,  which  was  intended  to  protect
          consumers from defective and dangerous products. In addition, Government wanted to unify
          the majority of laws regarding product safety (except food, automobiles, and other products
          already regulated by federal agencies) so that they would be effective and clear. The CPSC is
          very powerful; it can ban products without a court hearing if they are deemed dangerous and can
          order recalls, product redesigns, and the inspection of production plants. In more severe cases,
          the CPSC may also charge officers, managers, and/or supervisors with criminal offenses.

             Notes    Another powerful central agency was created in 1972 under the Consumer
             Product Safety Act. The law created the Consumer Product Safety Commission, which
             was intended to protect consumers from defective and dangerous products.

          5.3.7 central monetary regulatory agencies

          Several  federal  agencies  have  been  established  to  monitor  monetary  practices  in  the  India,
          including the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Central Reserve Board, and the Central
          Deposit Insurance Corporation.

          securities and exchange commission (sec)

          The SEC was established to regulate the securities industries in the India. A quasi-regulatory
          and judicial agency, the SEC regulates publicly traded stock-offering companies by requiring
          them to issue annual and other financial reports. In addition, the SEC regulates the stock market,
          brokers who sell securities, and large investment firms. The SEC also looks for insider trading,
          such as trading on secret knowledge about a company, other white-collar crime that may affect
          a company’s stock price, and securities fraud by stockbrokers. The agency can initiate civil or
          criminal action against the individual or firms charged with securities violations. Depending
          on the circumstances, the penalties levied by the SEC can be severe, with large fines and long
          jail terms being the norm. The SEC normally works closely with the Justice Department when
          criminal prosecution is involved. As always, the SEC’s actions can be appealed to the federal
          courts if the individual or firm believes the charges are inaccurate or unjust.

          central reserve Board

          As the India grew, the nation’s banking system became more complex and subject to greater
          fluctuations without government regulation. The India experienced an acute money panic in
          1907 that put a severe strain on the banking system. As a result of the financial panic, a National
          Monetary Commission was established by Government to study how the India could protect the
          banking system and, in turn, the money supply. National Monetary Commission recommendations
          were implemented by Government in 1913 when the Central Reserve Act was passed and the
          Central Reserve Board was established. The primary purpose of the Central Reserve Board is to
          function as a semi-independent board designed to protect the banking system in the India.

             Did u know? SEC was founded in 1992 to regulate securities industries in India.

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