P. 89

International Business


                                     Did u know?  In  1970,  OSHA  was  established  for  ensuring  safe  and  healthy  working
                                   In order to verify that organizations are complying with these regulations, OSHA can conduct
                                   surprise inspections. Technically, employers can ask OSHA to show a search warrant before
                                   the search is executed, but this is not normally done because OSHA can get a warrant relatively
                                   quickly. OSHA investigators may inspect the building, but an employer has the right to have
                                   a representative accompany the regulators during the tour. The investigators review accident
                                   records and other documents to verify that compliance has been maintained. OSHA investigators
                                   also observe employees to verify that guidelines set by the agency are followed (e.g., wearing
                                   eye  protection).  If  OSHA  investigators  believe  that  violations  have  occurred,  they  can  issue
                                   citations against the employer. If the employer agrees to pay a fine, OSHA will normally inspect
                                   the building at a later date to ensure compliance. If an employer believes that the fine or other
                                   sanction is inappropriate, a court order can be sought seeking relief from the fine or sanction. In
                                   rare instances, the secretary of labor may ask for an injunction against an employer. Injunctions
                                   are only sought in the most serious cases, such as those in which there is imminent danger to

                                     Caution  Verification of the non-compliance of OSHA regulations is conducted through
                                     surprise inspections.

                                   5.3.5 environmental Protection agency (ePa)

                                   One of the most pressing issues in the India is protecting the environment. A combination of
                                   pressure  from  consumer  groups,  news  media,  and  voters  encouraged  Government  to  pass
                                   legislation creating the Environmental Protection Agency in 1972. Prior to the creation of the
                                   EPA, no single Central agency had control over environmental issues, resulting in fragmented
                                   enforcement and confusing or conflicting codes. The EPA was created to act as the focal point
                                   regarding all pollution issues (air, noise, water, etc.).

                                      Notes    One of the most pressing issues in the India is protecting the environment.

                                   self assessment

                                   Fill in the blanks:

                                   11.   Dictatorship is also called as ................... .
                                   12.   NAFTA Stands for ................... .
                                   13.   SEBI stands for ................... .
                                   14.   The ................... is responsible for ensuring the safety of cosmetics, drugs, and food. One of
                                       the most important functions of the agency is new drug approval.
                                   15.   Enacted  in  1970,  the  ...................,  was  designed  to  ensure  safe  and  healthy  working
                                       conditions in nearly every environment.

                                   16.   The ................... was created to act as the focal point regarding all pollution issues (air,
                                       noise, water, etc.).

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