P. 75

Retail Management

                    Notes          4.5 Summary

                                      Each retailer is using his own buying systems which often is hard to understand for new

                                      Research suggests that customers go through a five-stage decision-making process in any

                                      The buying process starts with need recognition.
                                      The first task starts with gathering market information and identifying the suppliers who
                                       may be available locally or overseas.

                                      On successful submission of trial samples and acceptance by the buyer and the buyer
                                       being convinced of the intent, capability and quality of the supplier engages the supplier
                                       into commercial  negotiations.
                                      Buying decision differs from person to person.
                                      Purchases for high priced electronics, such as a television, computer or camera, or major
                                       purchases such as a home or car require consumers to use extensive decision making.
                                      Secondary groups share indirect relationship with the consumer.

                                   4.6 Keywords

                                   Complex Buying behavior: This situation involves the high level of involvement from consumers
                                   and the same with the difference among brands.
                                   Dissonance reducing behavior: This involves high involvement of the buyer but a less significance
                                   difference among the brands.

                                   Extensive Decision Making: Purchases for high priced electronics, such as a television, computer
                                   or camera, or major purchases such as a home or car require consumers to use extensive decision

                                   Habitual Buying Behavior: Here there will not be any kind of involvement from the consumer.
                                   Impulse Purchases: When a consumer stands at the checkout and notices lip moisturizer, magazines
                                   and gum, and adds one of the items to his cart of groceries, it’s often referred to as an impulse
                                   Limited Decision Making: When customers engage in purchases that require limited decision
                                   making, they may seek advice or a suggestion from a friend.
                                   Routine Purchases: There are items consumers are used to purchasing every day, once a week or
                                   monthly. These can range from a morning cup of coffee from a nearby convenience store, to
                                   milk, eggs and cheese from the supermarket.

                                   4.7 Review Questions

                                   1.  Describe the act of retailing. Why do you think retailing is important?
                                   2.  “Retailers provide a collection of service benefits to their customers.” Substantiate.
                                   3.  Discuss the functions of retailing with the help of suitable examples.

                                   4.  Discuss the social and economic significance of retailing.
                                   5.  Explain the structure of retailing and distribution.

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