P. 238
Unit 12: Intelligent Techniques
12.4 Genetic Algorithm Notes
The use of genetic algorithms is a rising application of artificial intelligence. Genetic algorithm
software accesses Darwinian (survival of the fittest); randomizing, and other mathematical
functions to create an evolutionary process that can capitulate increasingly better solutions to a
problem. Genetic algorithms were initially used to create millions of years in biological,
geological, and ecosystem evolution in just a few minutes on a computer. Now genetic algorithm
software is being accessed to model numerous scientific, technical, and business processes.
Genetic algorithms are especially useful for conditions in which thousands of solutions are
probable and must be calculated to form a best possible solution. Genetic algorithm software
accesses sets of mathematical process rules (algorithms) that mention how combinations of
process components or steps are to be produced. This may comprise:
Trying random process combinations (mutation)
Merging parts of several good processes (crossover)
Choosing good sets of processes and discarding poor ones (selection).
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
9. The use of genetic algorithms is a growing application of ....................................
10. Genetic algorithms were first used to .................................... millions of years in biological,
geological, and ecosystem evolution in just a few minutes on a computer.
11. Genetic algorithm software uses sets of .................................... process rules (algorithms)
that specify how combinations of process components or steps are to be formed.
12.5 Hybrid AI Systems
Hybrid system is defined as a software system which employs, in parallel, a mixture of methods
and techniques from artificial intelligence subfields as Neuro-fuzzy systems, hybrid
connectionist-symbolic models, Fuzzy expert systems, etc.
Every natural intelligent system is considered as hybrid since it accomplishes mental functions
on both the symbolic and sub symbolic stages. From the previous few years there has been an
growing conversation of the significance of A.I. Systems Integration. Relying on ideas that there
have already been produced simple and particular AI systems and now is the time for integration
to generate broad AI systems.
Example: Hybrid is a hierarchical control system where the lowest, reactive layers are