P. 240
Unit 12: Intelligent Techniques
15. Intelligent agents help customers do comparison-shopping among the many Notes
.................................... sites on the Web.
12.7 Summary
An expert system is nothing but a computer program or a set of computer programs which
contains the knowledge and some inference capability of an expert, most generally a
human expert, in a particular domain.
An expert system is a computer system which emulates the decision-making ability of a
human expert.
Expert systems are necessitated by the limitations associated with conventional human
decision-making processes.
Expert system development can be modeled as a spiral, where each circuit adds more
capabilities to the system.
Fuzzy Logic Systems are defined as computer-based systems that can access data that are
incomplete or only partially accurate.
Neural networks are defined as computing systems modeled on the human brain’s mesh-
like network of interlinked processing elements, known as neurons.
Genetic algorithm software accesses Darwinian (survival of the fittest); randomizing, and
other mathematical functions to create an evolutionary process that can capitulate
increasingly better solutions to a problem.
An intelligent agent is a software replacement for an end user or a process that accomplishes
a specified requirement or activity.
12.8 Keywords
Expert System: An Expert System is a computer program that possesses or represents knowledge
in a particular domain, has the capability of processing/manipulating or reasoning with this
knowledge with a view to solving a problem, giving some achieving or to achieve some specific
Fuzzy Logic Systems: Fuzzy Logic Systems are defined as computer-based systems that can
access data that are incomplete or only partially accurate.
Genetic Algorithm: Genetic algorithm software accesses Darwinian (survival of the fittest);
randomizing, and other mathematical functions to create an evolutionary process that can
capitulate increasingly better solutions to a problem.
Intelligent Agent: An intelligent agent is a software replacement for an end user or a process that
accomplishes a specified requirement or activity.
Neural Networks: Neural networks are defined as computing systems modeled on the human
brain’s mesh-like network of interlinked processing elements, known as neurons.
12.9 Review Questions
1. What do you mean by expert system? Why organization need expert system?
2. Explain the fundamental properties of expert system.
3. Enlighten the various traits of expert system.