P. 38
Unit 2: Rural Marketing Environment
2.2.3 Rural Socio-cultural Environment Notes
Rural Socio-cultural Scenario
1. Religious bent of mind.
2. Social customs.
3. Caste system.
4. Gender Discrimination.
5. Literacy.
6. Cultural diversity.
7. Group influence on behavior.
Caste System
1. Brahmins at top, then kshatriyas, vaishyas, and the shudras at bottom.
2. Each have their sub castes.
3. Shudras suffered from entering places visited by top.
4. Change in zamindari system helps in abolition.
5. Marketers have to be sensitive on this issue.
Table 2.6: Demographic Environment
1981 1991 2001
Total population (million) 683.3 848.3 1026.9
Rural population (million) 524.0 628.8 741.6
Rural proportion to urban pop (%) 76.7 74.3 72.2
Table 2.7: Household Types in India
Types of Definitions Rural Urban
Single member Single member 5.15 7.91
Nuclear pair Head and spouse 4.91 5.20
Nuclear Head and spouse with unmarried children 37.88 41.57
Broken nuclear Head and spouse with or without unmarried 4.58 4.24
children but with other relations who are not
currently having spouse
Supplemented Head and spouse with or without unmarried 16.81 15.44
nuclear children but with other unmarried or separated or
divorced or widowed relations
Supplemented Head without spouse with or without unmarried 5.76 5.13
broken nuclear children but with other unmarried or separated or
divorced or widowed relations