P. 37

Rural Marketing

                    Notes          4.  Marketers should notice of time of year when incomes are due
                                   5.  Crop patterns vary, and time of cash surpluses from harvests vary geographically
                                   6.  Cash crops and services leading to stable cash flows throughout the year.
                                   7.  Remittances from outside.

                                                          Table 2.3:  Rural Income  Distribution

                                                                    Rural Income
                                                                      7,006 billion

                                                   Agricultural                       Non-agricultural
                                                     (53%)                                (47%)

                                         Self-employed     Wage-earners           Formal          Informal
                                             (43%)            (10%)               (31%)            (16%)

                                                           Table  2.4: Per  Capita Rural  Income

                                                                  Rural Per Capita Income

                                                  Agricultural                       Non-agricultural
                                                      6,855                               16,464

                                         Self-employed    Wage-earners           Formal          Informal
                                              10,150           2,860               19,514           12,595

                                                    Table 2.5:  Distribution of Rural Household  by  Income

                                            Annual Income ( )    Income class    1989-90    1998-99
                                            at 1998-99 prices                   (%HHs)      (%HHs)
                                            <=35000            Low              63.7        47.9
                                            35001-70000        Low Middle       23.9        34.8
                                            70001-105000       Middle           7.1         10.4
                                            105001-140000      Upper Middle     1.2         3.9
                                            >140000            High             0.5         3
                                            Total                               100         100

          32                                LOVELY PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY
   32   33   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42