P. 246
Unit 13: Promotions and Servicescapes in Services
Advertising seeks to change or enhance brand or company identity; PRs main job is to Notes
change or enhance brand or company image.
In advertising, the audience is able to identify the advertiser through the message, making
him perceive the message to be a lot of self-praise and thus doubt its credibility. In PR, the
audience cannot trace back the identity of the communicator from the message; there is
thus an element of neutrality in PR.
Tasks of PR
Maintaining or enhancing image;
Supporting other communication activities like advertising, personal selling, direct mail,
Influencing publics;
Reinforcing positioning;
Spearheading certain events like Annual General Body Meetings (AGM), press conferences,
Bringing out annual reports, magazines and house journals;
Tools of an Effective PR Design
Publications in the form of press releases, house journals, posters, articles, annual reports,
brochures, etc.
Holding events like AGM, press conferences, seminars, conferences, conventions and
congresses, etc.
Investor relations programmes;
Planting of stories to enhance media coverage;
Conduct of trade shows, exhibitions;
Sponsoring of social events, charities and community projects.
13.3.3 Sales Promotion
Sales promotions are incentives tools used to temporarily boost sales. They are targeted at three
types of audiences:
Customers: When the service marketer is keen on improving on the flat sales graph, he can make
the consumer interested in his offer by various schemes that have a short tenure. These are called
consumer promotions and the pull factor consists of:
Price-offs: The same offer, for example, of a health club or fitness centres service, is now
available at a lower price.
Extra grammage: There is more amount of offer by weight and volume at the old price.
This is possible in those services having higher tangibility as in restaurants, souvenir
shops, general and food retailing, etc.
Freebies: These are free items bundled with the offer sale. They can be intra-brand.