P. 251

Services Marketing

                    Notes              Successful personal selling requires a highly trained and motivated staff that can bring in
                                       revenues for the service firm.

                                   13.3.5 Word of Mouth

                                   The  service  industry  is  very  vulnerable  to  referral  and  word-of-mouth  promotion  and
                                   communication - due to its intangibility factor.

                                          Example: A  satisfied customer  will refer  the services  of a  doctor  to  others while  a
                                   dissatisfied diner will be negative about a restaurant and irate customers might resort to de-
                                   marketing of the particular offer, often unprompted.
                                   There is a lot of research that bears out the effectiveness of personal recommendation through
                                   word of mouth. Services therefore benefit from the multiplier effect of positive recommendations
                                   - although negative experiences tend to be more damaging.

                                                     Figure  13.2:  Expectations  or  Decision  to  Purchase

                                                 E X P ECTATI O N S  or
                                                                          Customer has e xpec tations wh ich
                                               D E C ISI O N  TO  P U R C H A S E    gui des h is de cis ion to buy

                                                                           Customer inte rac ts with ser vice
                                                                           pro vide rs and becomes
                                                                           know led geable of the technical a nd
                                                                           functional aspe cts o f offer

                                                                           Customer makes  jud gmen ts  fro m
                                                                           su ch e xpe rien ces and encounters .
                                                                           He ei ther returns  as a bu yer or does
                                                                           no t re turn

                                                                          Othe rs ’ usage o f the se rvice w ill
                                                 WORD O F MOUTH  or       dep end on the pos itive and or
                                                                          nega tive wo rd o f mou th
                                                    REFERR ALS
                                                                          communi ca tion

                                   13.3.6 Direct  Marketing

                                   This is being increasingly adopted by service firms for their communication mix. The advantages
                                   over mass marketing are many:
                                       Personalisation: Unlike communication for mass marketing, here personalisation of the
                                       message,  method  or  technique  of  communication  is  possible. This  would  make  the
                                       communication objective effective. The personalisation can be in the language used, levels
                                       of vocabulary and articulation, depth of conceptual understanding and extent of persuasion
                                       and media.

                                       Cost-effective: It becomes prohibitively expensive for a small and medium service-marketer
                                       to use mass media for communication. Even if used, it may not suit his purpose in reaching
                                       his target audience, especially if they are a niche segment. Direct marketing enables the
                                       service marketer to be cost effective, that is, reaching his desired target audience with his
                                       limited resources.

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