P. 265

Services Marketing

                    Notes             Cost  controls

                                      Production capabilities and capacities
                                       Management expertise and depth, etc.
                                                       Figure  14.2:  General  Electric Business  Screen

                                                                    SBU Strength/Business Position
                                                                 HIGH        MEDIUM       LOW

                                                                 INVEST      INVEST
                                                         HIGH                          (Selectively

                                                Attractiveness              PROTECT
                                                                 INVEST    (Selectively   HARVEST

                                                                (Selectively   HARVEST   DIVEST
                                                         LOW      invest)
                                   The ratings of the SBUs are arrived at quite systematically:
                                       Criteria are assigned weights
                                       Each SBU/product is rated with respect to all criteria
                                       Overall ratings are calculated for all SBUs/products
                                       Each SBU/product is then rated as high, medium or low according to market attractiveness
                                       and then business position/SBU strength.
                                       Different service firms in actuality have different criteria, which can be incorporated in
                                       their analytical process.
                                   After the ratings, the SBUs or the products are plotted on a 3 × 3 grid. The location on the GE
                                   business screen will indicate to the service marketer the evaluation of the SBU or the product and
                                   accordingly resources can be allocated. Given below are the location and the appropriate strategy:
                                   Upper left cells and Invest strategy: Any SBU in this cell is in the most advantageous position of
                                   having high market attractiveness in terms of market opportunity and high business strengths,
                                   capability etc., and who are likely to seize market opportunities. These SBUs or products should
                                   receive resource support from the service firm to strengthen and build them.
                                   Three cells running diagonally from lower left to the upper right of the screen represent a Protect
                                   strategy: The SBUs and products in these cells generate cash for the service firm which can be
                                   channelled to other SBUs/products. Therefore, it is essential to follow a defensive strategy of
                                   protecting a cash generator. These SBUs should also be duly supported with selective investments.
                                   Two cells just below the diagonal cells represent the Harvest strategy: SBUs or products in these
                                   two cells are not very strong in their competencies and neither do they possess attractive markets,
                                   forcing decision makers to deny those additional resources, while electing to maximize returns
                                   with the present allocation. If there is an opportunity for a profitable sell off, it should be seized
                                   with both hands.

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