P. 60

Unit 3: The Service Marketing Mix and Purchase Process

          8.   Why a service marketer should prevent customers form making comparisons? Explain  Notes
               with examples.
          9.   Do you think self-image and ego has something to do with brand selection? Why or why
          10.  Explain the concept of cognitive dissonance. What you can do to reduce it?
          11.  Suppose you want to open a student’s saving account with a bank. What is your decision
               making process likely to be?
          12.  Why a marketer wants that consumers should not follow the eight step sequence for
               purchase? What all he can do to ensure this?

          Answers: Self Assessment

          1.   True                                 2.  False
          3.   False                                4.  True
          5.   True                                 6.  a

          7.   c                                    8.  b
          9.   Commercial                           10.  Secondary
          11.  Cognitive dissonance                 12.  Critical incident
          13.  Evoked                               14.  True
          15.  False

          3.8 Further Readings

           Books      C Bhattacharjee, Services Marketing, Excel Books, New Delhi
                      Christopher H Lovelock, Services Marketing, third edition, Prentice Hall, US
                      Valarie A Zeithmal and Mary JO Bitner, Services Marketing: Integrating Customer
                      Focus across the Firm, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi

          Online links


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