P. 101

Training and Development System

                    Notes              There is the teachable moment in adult training. The sequence of the curriculum must be
                                       timed so as to be in step with his development tasks.

                                       According to the behavioural scientists, effective learning takes place through active
                                       participation. The learner has to respond.

                                   6.6 Keywords

                                   Behaviourism: The learning theory that stresses the importance of having a particular form of
                                   behaviour reinforced by someone, other than the trainee, to shape or control what is learnt.
                                   E-Learning: It is the use of technology to enable people to learn anytime and anywhere and
                                   includes training and delivery of just-in-time information.
                                   Learning Curve: It is a graphical representation of the changing rate of learning.
                                   Learning Principles: Learning principles are the guidelines to the ways in which people learn
                                   must effectively.
                                   Programmed Learning: Learning technique characterized by self paced, self administered
                                   instruction presented in logical sequence and with much repetition of concepts.

                                   6.7 Review Questions

                                   1.  What is andragogy? Discuss the contribution of Malcolm Knowles to adult learning theory.
                                   2.  Discuss the pattern of learning in individuals and also explain the behaviourist orientation
                                       to learning.

                                   3.  Several techniques of adult learning flow have been taken care of in the training system.
                                       What are those techniques?
                                   4.  Explain the key potential barriers to transfer of learning.

                                   5.  Improving learning is quite complex process. What are the ways to improve learning?
                                   6.  What are the different theories of learning to solve learning problems?
                                   7.  A consideration of why people forget may point the way to help them remember. Several
                                       theories account for forgetting. Explain those theories.
                                   8.  ‘Both the behaviourist and the cognitive approaches are useful learning theories.’ In light
                                       of this statement describe the significance of combined approach of learning.

                                   9.  On what main aspects the facilitation theory emphasizes. What is its significance?
                                   10.  Describe the five principles which are generally accepted as having a direct application to

                                   Answers: Self Assessment

                                   1.  Behaviourism                      2.   Social interaction
                                   3.  Combined                          4.   environment
                                   5.  reinforce                         6.   Carl Rogers
                                   7.  repression                        8.   overshadowed

                                   9.  cognitive                         10.  performance

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