P. 200
Unit 11: E-Learning
12. E-trainers need practice and a good overview of the job by understanding different Notes
……………………. and the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.
11.4 Blended Learning
After reading volumes of literature on various training approaches and attending tens of training
seminars, the training managers often wonder which the best approach for effective training is.
But there are no ready and easy answers to this question. In fact, there are several instances
wherein a mixture of traditional programme with e-learning meets the purpose of learning.
Here comes the concept of blended learning. Blended learning is an approach which combines
e-learning with other traditional methods of training for delivering a learning solution.
Over the past few years, training professionals have become more pragmatic in their approach
to technology-based learning by using it to augment traditional forms of training delivery, such
as classroom instruction and text-based materials. This trend has led to the rise of the term
“blended learning.” The term has come to mean different things to different people. Blended
learning programmes in the corporate training world is defined as any possible combination of
a wide range of learning delivery approaches designed to solve specific business problems
(Brennan, 2004).
Different learning problems require different solutions (different mixes of media and delivery)
and the key is to apply the RIGHT MIX to a given business problem. Hence blended learning is
effectively replacing e-learning. Unlike traditional education, corporate training exists primarily
to improve business performance. Training is not just to make the employees smarter by training.
Rather, the ultimate objective is to increase revenue or reduce costs. The science of “how to teach
adults through the Internet” is still being researched. We know that people learn in different
ways, and different media applies to different people. “Blended Learning” is really the natural
evolution of e-learning into an integrated programme of multiple media types, applied toward
a business problem in an optimum way.
One of the simplest approaches is to create electronic content and ‘surround’ it with human,
interactive content. This approach of ‘surrounding’ e-learning with humans enables you to
create high interest, accountability, and real assessment of the results of the e-learning programme.
This approach was used by many companies when rolling out ERP application training. An
initial conference call and series of meetings was used to explain the project and why is the new
system so important – then the users took an online course – then there was a follow-up meeting
and evaluation by the manager before the system was actually rolled out.
In order to make blended learning more powerful, trainers can start looking at all the media as
options: classroom training, web-based training, webinars, CD-ROM courses, video, and
simulations. Other options which are less exciting but just as important include books, job aids,
conference calls, documents, and PowerPoint slides.
Task Find out the recent technology issues that are affecting the individualizing concept
of E-learning and pushing organizations to turn towards the adoption of blended learning.
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
13. Blended learning is an approach which combines ……………… with other traditional
methods of training for delivering a learning solution.