P. 4

                                              Total Quality Management

               This course is designed to enable the students to organize an internal team to lead the quality improvement efforts and
               to create awareness about the philosophy of Total Quality Management.
               To identify the problems relating to quality through Customer Satisfaction, Employee Involvement, Failure mode and
               Effect Analysis, etc.

               Students would be designing and installing best practices for quality improvement through Benchmarking, Process
               Improvement and adherence to International Quality Standards.

           Sr. No.                                          Description
             1.    TQM Framework, Historical Review, Gurus of TQM, Obstacles and Benefits of TQM.
             2.    Leadership for TQM, 7 Habits, The Deming Philosophy, Quality Council, Core Values.

             3.    Customer Satisfaction, Perception of Quality, Service Quality, Customer Retention.
             4.    Employee Involvement, Surveys, Empowerment, Suggestion System, Performance Appraisal.
             5.    Continuous Process Improvement, Improvement Strategies, PDSA Cycle, Kaizen, Re-Engineering, Six Sigma.
             6.    Benchmarking (Bench Marking Reason, Process, Current Performance and Studying Other Issues).
             7.    Quality Management Systems, Benefits of ISO Registration, ISO 9000 Series of Registration, ISO 9001
                   Requirements, Documentation, Registration, Management Systems, ISO 14000 Series Standards.
             8.    Quality Function Deployment, The QFD Framework, QFD Team, House of Quality.
             9.    Failure Mode and Effect Analysis, Total Productive Maintenance.
             10.   Statistical Process Control, Experimental Design.
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