P. 9

Total Quality Management

                    Notes              In response to this, a similar model was developed by the European Foundation of Quality
                                       Management in 1992. This EFQM Excellence Model is the framework for the European
                                       Quality Award.
                                   7.  Business Excellence: TQM models are often called Business Excellence Models. Also, TQM
                                       itself is now often called Business Excellence. This is to distinguish the “new TQM” from
                                       the past work on TQM.
                                       Business Excellence is really the same as TQM, but with a more clearly defined approach.

                                     Caselet     Total Quality Management

                                           otal quality management (TQM) is the idea that controlling quality is not something
                                           that is left exclusively to the “quality controller”, a person who stands at the end of
                                     Ta production line checking final output. It is (or it should be) something that
                                     permeates an organization from the moment its raw materials arrive to the moment its
                                     finished products leave.
                                     TQM is a process-oriented system built on the belief that quality is a matter of conforming
                                     to a customer’s requirements. These requirements can be measured, and deviations from
                                     them can then be prevented by means of process improvements or redesigns.
                                     The European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) said that TQM strategies are
                                     characterized by the following:

                                          The excellence of all managerial, operational and administrative processes.
                                          A culture of continuous improvement in all aspects of the business.
                                          An understanding that quality improvement results in cost advantages and better
                                          profit potential.
                                          The creation of more intensive relationships with customers and suppliers.
                                          The involvement of all personnel.
                                          Market-oriented organizational practices.
                                     Total quality management was developed by a number of Japanese firms in the 1950s and
                                     1960s. But it was built largely on the teachings of W. Edwards Deming and Joseph Juran,
                                     two Americans who had quietly developed the principles in the aftermath of the second
                                     world war. With the help of books and articles such as David Garvin’s 1983 description in
                                     Harvard Business Review of the way in which TQM and other techniques were putting
                                     Japanese companies streets ahead of their foreign competitors, the idea was later reclaimed
                                     by the United States and widely adopted by American business.
                                     Europe, which has at times looked left out of this game of American-Japanese ping-pong,
                                     has also made occasional claims to be the fount of total quality. Raymond Levy, chairman
                                     of Renault, a French car company, said in the early 1990s:
                                     “Quality is representative of a culture which we Europeans have no reason to let others
                                     monopolize. The Europe of Descartes; the Europe of the Age of Reason and the
                                     Enlightenment; the Europe of the industrial and technological revolution of the last two
                                     centuries holds within itself all the elements of method and exactitude conveyed by the
                                     term total quality.”

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