P. 71

Materials Management

                    Notes          5.7 Request for Quotation (RFQ)

                                   Non-government purchasing departments continue to offer a range of prequalified vendors a
                                   Request for Quotation (RFQ) for items or services that it wishes to purchase. The competitive bid
                                   process can produce a range of bids and conditions that the purchasing department will evaluate
                                   and then award the business. This may or may not involve some form of negotiation. Most
                                   negotiated business will involve items or services that are not necessarily definable by an RFQ.
                                   The purchasing department and the vendor will negotiate more than a price. The negotiation
                                   will usually cover what is to be manufactured or what is the extent of the service to be provided,
                                   the warranty, the transportation services, technical assistance, packaging alternative, payment
                                   plans, etc. Purchasing items or services of significant cost will require extended negotiations to
                                   arrive at a final contract.

                                   Purchasing professionals are required to participate in these types of negotiation to ensure their
                                   companies obtain the best price with the most favorable terms, and staff may need to be trained
                                   in negotiation methods as it becomes more commonplace in a difficult economic climate.

                                   Self Assessment

                                   Fill in the blanks:
                                   14.  The ……………… phase is the stage of actual discussion and negotiation.
                                   15.  The post negotiation phase may also be called ……………… phase.

                                   16.  Purchasing items or services of  significant cost will require extended ……………… to
                                       arrive at a final contract.


                                     Case Study  Paving the Way for Greater Negotiation Power at

                                                 Delphi Delco Electronics Systems

                                            t  Delphi Delco  Electronics  Systems,  the  need  to  stop  suppliers from  pitting
                                            engineering against purchasing was evident if the company wanted to remain
                                     Acompetitive  at  the  bargaining  table.  With  the  help  of  a  unique  training
                                     programme, the company mapped out a strategy to team purchasing, engineering — and
                                     actually everyone who talks to outside suppliers — to achieve greater negotiation power.
                                     The Challenge

                                     In  the  past,  the  purchasing  road  was  paved  with  suppliers  and  manufacturing
                                     representatives  who  were  well  entrenched  with  the  engineering  community.
                                     Unfortunately, it was impacting the company’s leverage to negotiate the best value.

                                     ”Our suppliers grew up with our company — embedded in our purchasing process — and
                                     greatly influenced the purchasing decisions to their advantage,” according to Mark Hosking,
                                     purchasing manager at Delphi Delco. He explained that a positive result of the Worldwide
                                     Purchasing Process was to put a little more distance between the supplier and purchasing,
                                     and the supplier and engineering. That’s when it was determined to educate everyone
                                     who interfaces with salespeople to understand that they are involved in the negotiation

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