P. 114

Unit 5: International Market Research

          5.   How has marketing information systems helped the marketers? Give examples.       Notes
          6.   What do you understand by international marketing research?
          7.   Discuss the role of international marketing research in determining international
               marketing policies.
          8.   What is the need and importance of market research for export business?
          9.   Describe the various steps involved in the international market research.

          Answers: Self Assessment

          1.   False                            2.   True
          3.   True                              4.  False

          5.   True                              6.  False
          7.   True                              8.  True
          9.   False                            10.  False

          11.  True                              12.  False
          13.  Questionnaire                     14.  Sample
          15.  Order to Payment cycle            16.  Marketing Intelligence Systems

          5.11 Further Readings

           Books         Charles W.L. Hill, International Business Competing in the Global Marketplace,
                         4th Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited
                         Chase Richard, Jacob Robert, Aquillano and Agarwal Nitin,  Operations
                         Management, 11th Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited

                         Justin Paul, International Business, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall of India
                         Vasudeva, PK, International Marketing, Excel Books, New Delhi, 2010

          Online links


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