P. 206

Unit 11: Communication Decision for International Markets

          11.6 Review Questions                                                                 Notes

          1.   How is international marketing different from domestic marketing?

          2.   Explain the process of Communication.
          3.   Define Integrated Marketing Communication. What are its components?
          4.   What are the steps involved in developing an effective communication?

          5.   What are the major benefits of an effective global communication strategy?
          6.   Explain the tools used in Integrated marketing communication in brief.

          7.   What are the major decisions that the firm has take for an advertising strategy in the
               global market?

          8.   Define Public Relations. Why has the role of public relations grown in recent years?
          9.   What is Personal selling? What are the major decisions that have to be taken by the
               manager before forming a personal selling strategy?
          10.  Define Sales promotion. What are the different types of Sales Promotion?

          Answers: Self Assessment

          1.   Integrated Marketing Communication  2.  Brand Communication
          3.   Communication                    4.   Consumer

          5.   True                              6.  True
          7.   False                            8.   Advertising
          9.   Global                            10.  Electronic

          11.  Public Relations                 12.  Publicity
          13.  High cost                         14.  Consumer Sales Promotion

          15.  Personal selling

          11.7 Further Readings

           Books      Cateora and Graham, International Marketing, McGraw Hill, 2007
                      Charles W.L. Hill, International Business Competing in the Global Marketplace,
                      4th Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited.
                      Chase Richard, Jacob Robert, Aquillano and Agarwal Nitin, Operations Management,
                      11th Edition, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Limited.

                      Justin Paul, International Business, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall of India
                      Vasudeva, PK, International Marketing, Excel Books, New Delhi, 2010

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