P. 4

                                                Visual Merchandising

          Objectives: Students will be able to assess the marketplace in terms of the contemporary trends of visual merchandising in a
          typical retail store environment.

          Students will be able to develop a strategy for the styling and visual merchandising in a store for a wide variety of products
          categories like apparel, electronics, grocery, food, home care etc.
          Students will be able to maximize the impact of any retail display space.

            Sr. No.                                           Topics
              1.    Retailing: Definition, Evolution and Formats, Relating Retail with Customer Profile, The Indian Retail Industry.
              2.    Visual Merchandising: Definition and Functions, History, Understanding Retail in India.
              3.    Retail Store—Site and Design, Image Mix: The Top Six Elements, Store Exteriors, Store Interiors.
              4.    Display  Basics,  Design  Basics,  Principles  of  Design,  Colour  Blocking—People  Buy  Colours,  Signage,
                    Understanding Materials.
              5.    The Purpose of Planning Fixtures, Types of Fixtures.
              6.    Circulation  Plan  and  Types  of  Circulation  Plans,  Meaning  and  Purpose  of  a  Planogram,  Benefits  of  a
                    Planogram, Implementation and Maintenance of a Planogram.
              7.    Meaning  of  Merchandise  Presentation,  Principles  of  Merchandise  Presentation,  Categories  in  Merchandise
                    Presentation, Dominance Factor in Merchandise Presentation, Cross Merchandising.
              8.    Window  Display—Meaning  and  Scope,  Vis-à-vis  Merchandise,  Types  of  Setting,  Promotional  Display  Vs.
                    Institutional Display, Window Display—Construction.
              9.    Styling, Display Calendar, Sales Tracking, Handling the Mannequin, Props, Lighting, Organising an In-store
                    Event, VM Tool Kit, Quality and Process in Visual Merchandising, Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).
             10.    Brand  Experience—Brand-centric  to  Customer-centric,  Experience  Design—Beyond  Visual  Merchandising,
                    Generation C—The Changing Consumer, The Magic of Augmented and Mixed Realities, Experiential Retail—
                    The New Retail Scenario.
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