P. 228
Unit 12: Periodical Section
7. The conversion rates for foreign currencies claimed by the agents have to 1: checked with Notes
the conversion rates circulated by the Good Offices committee from time to time.
8. There are cases of subscription agents who create complications by refusing to take
responsibility over claims for missing issues in violation of the agreement. In such cases
the execution of the agreement is no remedy unless supported by a security deposit.
9. The subscription agent has to be appointed after calling for quotations and selecting the
lowest. The work involved in calling for quotations and appointing the agent will take
much time resulting in the delay of payment of subscriptions which can affect the regular
and prompt supply of periodicals.
10. Changes in the administrative setup aw subscription agents cause interruption and some-
times complete stoppage of supply.
11. Normally the lowest quotation is accepted, but it may prevent the selection of a reliable
Order Placing Work
Order placing work includes various jobs connected with:
Renewal orders for the continuing titles,
Cancelling of unwanted titles, and
Ordering of new titles.
Cancellation of a current title should, as far as possible, be effected with the completion of the
current volume. Similarly, new titles should be ordered with effect from the first issue of a
volume. The jobs included in order placing will vary according to the method of ordering
chosen, namely the direct subscription method or the agency method.
Caution Renewal orders should be placed without causing any break in the continuous
supply of the periodicals concerned.
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
6. In the ……………………….. method, the library places orders directly with the publishers
of each periodical.
7. In the ………. method, the order is placed with an agent who acts as the intermediary
between the library and the publishers.
8. ………. are more familiar with the peculiarities of individual publishers than the library,
and they can act accordingly.
12.4 Recording the Receipt of Periodical Publications
Planning for the work of receiving periodicals has to do mainly with the methods for ensuring
the prompt receipt and recording of the periodicals. The methods of recording adopted not only
should account for the periodicals subscribed to and received, but also should alert the library
about the non-receipt of any item after its expected date. It must enable the detection of the
non-receipts so that follow-up actions like sending reminders and claiming replacements can be