P. 78
Unit 4: Job Analysis and Evaluation
project. It would be impractical to have every occupational interest directly represented but it is Notes
important that members of the job evaluation committee possess as much knowledge as possible
of the range of jobs involved.
Validity of Job Evaluation Plan: Before using the factor plan, the definitions, weightings and
points allocated should be tested against benchmark jobs. These are jobs generally recognizable
by the job population as representative of the spread of work to be evaluated. The benchmark
jobs are placed in an agreed rank order which is the basis for testing the factor plan.
The test should be carried out by the job evaluation committee examining each benchmark job
and considering each factor and the total points awarded. In this way it should be possible to
check whether consistency has been maintained and whether the points allocated can be justified.
If necessary the job evaluation committee should be prepared to redefine and adjust weightings
at this stage.
Maintenance: Job evaluation is not a once and for all exercise and procedures must be devised to
keep the scheme up to date. It is essential for someone in the library to have a continuing
knowledge of the scheme. If the scheme is not regularly maintained, the initial problems which
gave rise to the need for job evaluation may re-emerge and the scheme will fall into decay and
disrepute. If maintenance is carried out, the scheme will last longer and should continue to be
acceptable. A prerequisite for setting up a maintenance programme is the provision of a written
job evaluation manual which sets out the background and history, rules and results of the
scheme, allocation of responsibility and details of how the scheme will be kept up to date.
It is experienced that the on-going maintenance of a scheme requires that:
Responsibility for the scheme is clearly allocated
Job descriptions are prepared for new or altered jobs
A programme for carrying out those reviews should be considered in advance, and
Replacement committee members are identified and trained.
Re-evaluation of jobs: There should be a separate procedure for dealing with the evaluation of
new jobs or the re-evaluation of an existing job which has changed. The following procedure is
The employee should apply to his or her immediate line manager, using a standard form
which sets out the reasons why the grading is not, or no longer, thought appropriate.
The line manager, after discussion with the employee as necessary, should submit the
application to the Personnel Department, indicating whether or not it is supported.
The Personnel Department should arrange for a current updated job description to be
prepared and agreed by the employee and line manager.
The joint evaluation committee should consider the job description and give its decision
within an agreed time-scale.
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
10. A joint …………….. will generate more ideas and recommendations than might be expected
in a more formal negotiating meeting.
11. It is important to establish a job evaluation ………………, agree its terms of reference and
to decide whether the scheme will be analytical or non-analytical.