P. 83
Library Administration and Management
3. Responsibility - 36.2%
Responsibility for Measure of seriousness of Are errors readily detected? Do errors
Errors potential errors in judgement or have limited or considerable impact on
action; considers a typical the work of others or do they cause a
instance, not a rare or extreme serious breakdown in the operation of the
one university?
Contacts Type and importance of work Does the work require contact with
relationships immediate associates, important contacts
in which recommendations are presented,
or contacts beyond the university which
are vital to its operation?
Supervision Nature of supervisory Do you give little supervision, limited
responsibilities supervision, general supervision or do
you give policy direction?
Number of staff supervised How many staff do you supervise? One?,
5-10?, more than 50?
4. Working Conditions – 4.4%
Working Work environment and job In the workplace are there minimum
Conditions requirements. Unpleasant disadvantages or disagreeable conditions?
conditions which are inherent in Is there continuous exposure to severe
the job and which will not factors?
change even if job location
Self Assessment
Fill in the blanks:
12. Point factors are also called …………...
13. ………………… a traditional compensable factor that innovative companies have been
re-evaluating in recent years.
14. The modified …………………. described here is a factor comparison plus factor analysis
plus point evaluation. It is known as a Point-Factor plan.
15. ……………… refers to the degree of independent action required.
16. Scope of ……………. appraises the size of the direct-line responsibilities measured in total
number of people within the library unit supervised.
Case Study Techniques of Functional Job Analysis
different approach of applying the techniques of functional job analysis to libraries
was begun in 1969 by the Illinois Task Analysis Project (ILTAP). The objective of
APhase I of the project was to provide a realistic description of work actually being
done in public, school, special, and academic libraries. This phase identified 1,615 tasks
performed by eighteen libraries. The project culminated in phase III with the publication