P. 26

Unit 1: Library Automation: An Overview

                 structure and present page content, and JavaScript allows one to spice it up a bit if  Notes
                 desired. Increasingly, however, the Internet and intranets are being used for
                 applications, most of which incorporate databases. These sites and applications are
                 dynamic, because their content will vary according to the data involved and the
                 actions of the user. This is where PHP comes in. By running PHP programs on the
                 server you can create very powerful applications that interact with a database and
                 generate content dynamically.
            1.   Write down the case facts.
            2.   What do you infer from it?

          Source:  Adapted from

          1.6 Summary

               Library automation is the process which needs proper planning, timely implementation
               and periodical evaluation.

               Automation is used to reduce the amount of staff time devoted to repetitive (and often less
               challenging) activities that must be done in any properly functioning library.
               Library automation is the application of computers and also connected tools to the
               processing of data in a library or libraries.
               The library catalogue or index to the collection forms the base for most of the library
               activities such as acquisition, reference, bibliographic service, inter-library lean, etc.

               The focus in library automation now is on interconnecting systems, information resources,
               and users.

               The librarian with the administrators has to set the priorities after analysing the current
               status and future requirements.
               Selection of the suitable integrated library management package according to the needs of
               the users and the library is important.

               Retrospective conversion, OPAC, circulation and serials control, etc. should be conducted
               with care.

               Staff training and user education are keys to the success of the process.
               Library automation invites pragmatic approach.

          1.7 Keywords

          Appraisal: Impartial analysis and evaluation conducted according to established criteria to
          determine the acceptability, merit, or worth of an item.
          Automation: Automation is the use of machines, control systems and information technologies
          to optimize productivity in the production of goods and delivery of services.
          Barcoding: Bar coding is the most common form of automatic identification used in automatic
          data-capture technologies.
          Budget Allocation: Budget allocation is an important part of all business and not-for-profit
          financial plans and is typically set annually and involve allocating anticipated income and
          resources between different departments and business interests.

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