P. 24

Unit 1: Library Automation: An Overview

             SECOND STAGE: MYSQL/PHP                                                            Notes
             Before embarking on the project, various technologies, programming languages, candidate
             platforms and software were studied in order to be able to select which were the most
             appropriate choices for the proposed system. This was done by reading books on each
             subject, surfing the internet for information and seeking the expert opinion of experienced
             people in the IT industry.

             1.  Platforms: Three possible candidate platforms for the server were available:
                      Unix or Linux based: Linux or Unix Operating System; Apache Web Server; PHP
                      script, CGI programming with Perl, etc.
                      Microsoft – Windows NT based: Windows NT server 4 Operating System; Internet
                      Information Server and Active Server Pages

                      Servlet Based: Either Windows NT Server or Linux Operating System; Java
                      Web Server and Java Servlets

                 The application for the entire library system is to be implemented over a client
                 server setup having one server and five clients. The server and clients are to be
                 implemented on Pentium machines running Linux or Windows NTTM Server.
            Reasons why above technologies were selected:

            1.   All Software Packages Are Free: The principal software packages used are Linux,
                 PHP, MySql, Apache Web Server. Most of these packages are distributed with the
                 GNU public license, which means that they are free. Some of these packages are also
                 open source software, which means that their source code is also freely available.

            2.   Compatibility: PHP (scripting language), MySql (database), Apache Web Server are
                 native Linux based software. They were originally created for Linux or Unix based
                 systems. The integration between them is totally seamless.
            3.   Documentation and Support Easily Available: All the above mentioned software
                 has tremendous resources on the Internet. Documentation is provided at all the
                 respective sites. Since the software is free, support is also available freely with no
                 time limits or extra charges for providing support. In addition there are many other
                 sites offering forums for discussion and mailing lists.
            4.   Security: Linux operating system was created for building a system that would have
                 security even in a multi-user environment. Security comes in-built with Linux so no
                 additional software is required for providing security. Till today there are almost
                 no viruses for a Linux based system.

                 Apache provides security through its client server interface. Automatic data
                 encryption can be provided through use of SSL. PHP can also be used to provide
                 security by verifying a user’s access that is stored in a database.
            5.   Stability: Linux is built to ignore breakdowns in parts of its operating system and
                 continue to run without a system shutdown. Also bugs can be fixed while the
                 operating system is running, this is required in server. Linux’s inherent stability
                 along the seamless integration of all other software on it makes the entire system
                 very stable.


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