P. 20

Unit 1: Library Automation: An Overview

               environment, collection and available equipment. This analysis helps the library make  Notes
               the right choices during the process of selecting automation software and equipment.
               Weeding out is another time-consuming element of the process. According to the Colorado
               Department of Education, “the more titles you have to create records for, the more pricey
               your project is going to be.” Therefore, you should take the time to thoroughly weed
               through your collection before the automation.
               Data migration also takes time. Any existing records must be transferred to the new
               system. If you are upgrading from a manual system to an automated system, the circulation
               information must be entered into the computer. Finally, you might have to change some
               collection and patron bar codes during the automation process. This can involve some
               tedious hours of handwork to make everything work with the new automated system.

               Technology: Technology is another hurdle to cross while automating your library. When
               selecting library automation software, you must make sure it will work with your existing
               equipment or be financially prepared to purchase upgraded technology. Analyse the
               librarians’ workstations, patron access points, network server, Internet access and building
               electrical system. Some libraries may require minor technological upgrades, while others
               will require an expensive technological overhaul.

             Notes The technology team, or lack of one, can be another challenge of library automation.
            A library needs a strong technology support system in place prior to automation. Someone
            needs to oversee the automation process and troubleshoot any software or hardware
            problems. Once the system is in place, the technology team will need to continue to
            monitor and upgrade the system.

               Training: Training your staff and patrons to use a newly automated system can be
               challenging. According to the Colorado Department of Education, “Training is expensive
               and you can never pay for enough.” If your staff is unfamiliar with computerized library
               management software, they will need many hours of training to feel comfortable operating
               the system. A select number of staff will also need training to manage specialized
               operations, such as cataloguing or patron record management. Additionally, patrons will
               need assistance using the system to search for library materials. Some patrons may be
               reluctant to change to a new system, especially if they don’t like computers. With proper
               training and plenty of support, users will adjust to the new system.

          Self Assessment

          Fill in the blanks:
          10.  The more titles you have to create records for, the more …………………… your project is
               going to be.
          11.  …………………… your staff and patrons to use a newly automated system can be

          12.  If you are upgrading from a manual system to an automated system, the ……………………
               information must be entered into the computer.

          1.5 Library Automation Trends

          Using computers to assist in information processing began experimentally in the 1960s. In the
          1970s most libraries that attempted computerisation used the computer of the parent body, or a

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