P. 23

Library Automation

                    Notes            Agnel Technical Education Complex is one of the first institutes in Navi-Mumbai to have
                                     a computerized Library. Computerization started since 1995 and built a complete database
                                     of over 20,000 books, 1000 Current and Back Volumes of journals and reports. Further we
                                     have Online Services provided to our users through our INTER LIBRARY LAN SYSTEM
                                     consisting of 7 terminals connected to the Main Library Server storing our database. The
                                     ONLINE PUBLIC ACCESS CATALOG (OPAC) is used to carry out online searches of
                                     library database by Author, Title, Keywords and Accession Numbers which enables users
                                     to provide good reference service to staff and students.

                                     INITIAL STAGE: FOXPRO 2.6
                                     1.   Book Search: In the Initial Stage, there exists a computerized as well as manual
                                          search for books. The computerized searching can be done title-wise or author-wise.
                                          The user has to first logon to a terminal connected to the network. The interface is
                                          not a true graphical interface and is not very user friendly. The manual searching is
                                          done with the help of cards. Each book in the library is represented by a card, which
                                          contains the title, author, subject and its location. All these cards are kept in the
                                          library so that the member can go through the list of titles that are available in the
                                     2.   Circulation of Books: The process of issue and return of books is manual. Each book
                                          has a card associated with it. When the book is issued, the member’s roll-no is
                                          entered on the card along with the date of issue. The date of return is also entered
                                          along with the issue date. The library card of the student is then kept along with the
                                          book-card at the issue counter. When the member returns the book the date is
                                          compared along with the actual date the book was to be returned and the fine if any
                                          is calculated. The library card is returned to the member who can issue another
                                     3.   Fine Calculations: The fine calculation is manual. When a book is returned the date
                                          is compared with the return date on the book-card. If the book is returned late then
                                          a fine of 50 paise per day is charged. If the late period increases beyond seven days,
                                          then a fine of ` 1 per day is charged. The maximum fine that can be charged is ` 100.
                                     4.   Entry of New Books: The process of entry of new books is computerized. It is done
                                          using Microsoft FoxPro. The book details are entered in a form and then stored in
                                          the database. If many copies of the same book are purchased, each copy has to be
                                          entered separately. This process is time consuming and tedious.

                                     5.   Drawbacks of the Existing System: The existing system has many drawbacks, which
                                          can be listed as:

                                               The process of issue and return of books is manual and time consuming.
                                               The fine calculation is manual and hence prone to mistakes.

                                               The interface for searching of books is not user friendly.
                                               The book search facility is slow and does not always give correct results.
                                               The entry of new books is time consuming and tedious.

                                               There is no provision for the members to recommend any books.
                                               There is no provision for the members to reserve books.


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