P. 25

Library Automation

                    Notes            Client–Server Model
                                     The Client Server model is suitable for systems that are smaller in size and less resource
                                     hungry on the server side. This system is suitable especially within an organization.
                                     Multiple clients can submit requests for service or for some processing to the server. The
                                     server executes the requests or performs the processing and then passes the results back to
                                     the respective client. Here, the request submission – processing – returning of results
                                     takes place transparent to the user sitting at the client terminal. Since all applications are
                                     run on the server, there is a good amount of security and protection to the application
                                     programs from any possible attempt to tamper with the system from the client side. There
                                     are several advantages of implementing the system using the Client–Server model
                                          The system will be fully functional as soon as the server is setup and connected.
                                          No additional client side installation of software is required except for the basic
                                          operating system. By just typing the URL of the site the application will be available
                                          to him/her.

                                          The system will be platform independent on the client side i.e. the system will be
                                          accessible to all users, irrespective of the operating systems they are using.
                                          The system has a good amount of security that is inherent in the client server model,
                                          also additional security can easily be provided.

                                          The system can be easily extended to the Internet to make it available to remote
                                          users, and with minimum additional setup.
                                     The server setup will consist of Linux Operating System along with the accompanying
                                     Web Server i.e. the Apache server. To handle the data required to be stored on the system
                                     MySQL has been chosen as the Database Management System. To perform the entire
                                     HTML embedded scripting operations PHP has been chosen for scripting operation and
                                     the generation of pages. In addition JavaScript was also used for some additional features.

                                     1.   MySQL: The main factor in favour of MySQL is that it is available at no cost and is
                                          freely downloadable from the Internet. If one is looking for a free or inexpensive
                                          database management system, several are available from which to choose: MySQL,
                                          mSQL, PostgreSQL, etc. But MySQL, one of the most popular databases, has many
                                          advantages. MySQL scores over other databases as described below:
                                               Ease of us

                                               Query language support
                                               Connectivity and security
                                               Open distribution

                                               Easy connectivity with PHP
                                     2.   PHP: Many web sites contain static content, such as academic papers or articles.
                                          These sites’ pages are documents consisting of simple text, images, and hyperlinks
                                          to other documents. For this type of web site, simple client-side technologies
                                          generally suffice. HTML and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) provide the means to

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