P. 42

Unit 2: Functions and Requirements of Library Automation

             The status of automation in the colleges of Goa is similar to that of college libraries  Notes
             throughout India. Libraries, librarians, and college administrations must initiate automation
             in order to provide effective and efficient services to users. Library professionals must
             upgrade their skills in order to meet the growing expectations of users from libraries.

             1.  Write down the case facts.
             2.  What do you infer from it?

          2.5 Summary

               The content of your documents is analysed by allocating controlled subject headings.

               Publisher series are managed in a dedicated index.
               Readers, suppliers and other contacts are all registered in the same address database.
               Library Collection can range from a few thousands to a few lakhs or to crores.
               The quantum of information to be acquired, processed, housed, circulated by libraries has
               In the circulation section also files like user file and transaction files are created and

               Turnkey means that the library just turns the key and the system operates.
               Geographical location of an institution also played a very important role.
               Library automation is generic term used to denote the various activities related with the
               location, acquisition, storage, update, manipulation, processing, repackaging or
               reproducing, dissemination or transmission or communication, an improving the quality
               of products and services of library and information centres.

               There are some specific functions of an acquisition process.

          2.6 Keywords

          Barcode: A barcode is an optical machine-readable representation of data relating to the object
          to which it is attached.

          Classification: The action or process of classifying something according to shared qualities or
          Clientele: The clients of a professional person or practice considered as a group.

          Documentation: Manuals, instructions, tutorials, procedures, specifications, etc., that accompany
          a piece of equipment or software, and provide guidance for its proper use and maintenance.
          Fundamental Right: Fundamental rights are a generally regarded set of legal protections in the
          context of a legal system, wherein such system is itself based upon this same set of basic,
          fundamental, or inalienable rights.

          Information retrieval: Information retrieval is the activity of obtaining information resources
          relevant to an information need from a collection of information resources.
          Monographs: A monograph is a specialist work of writing on a single subject or an aspect of a
          subject, usually by a single author.

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