P. 39

Library Automation

                    Notes            have completed a certificate course in library science. Two (5.6%) have an M.Phil. degree
                                     in another field, while one (2.8%) has a doctorate in library science, and one has no
                                     professional qualification in library science. Out of these 36 librarians only 6 (16.6%) have
                                     cleared their NET/SLET (National Eligibility Test/State Level Eligibility Test).
                                     Twenty-two college libraries have a total collection below 15, 000, while 14 have developed
                                     a total collection above 16,000, 3 have a total collection above 45,000.
                                     Library Automation
                                     The data shows that 23 college libraries are automated. The 13 other libraries carry out
                                     their library operations manually and provide services to their users in a traditional way.
                                     Status of Automation

                                                             Figure 2: Status of Automation

                                     The bar chart shows the status of library automation in the 23 college libraries that have
                                     undertaken automation. Of these, 14 are at the initial stage, 5 are partially automated,
                                     while only 4 are fully automated.
                                     Software Used for Automation

                                                         Figure 3: Software Used for Automation


          34                                LOVELY PROFESSIONAL UNIVERSITY
   34   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42   43   44