P. 34

Unit 2: Functions and Requirements of Library Automation

               centres to share their resources. They realize that the only way they could fulfil their client  Notes
               groups is by effective cooperation between libraries, information centres and networks
               and by sharing of all type of resources.
          4.   Enhancement in Budget: As increasing the members of the library, cost of information
               materials, services and growth of information or information explosion, the budget of the
               libraries is also raised. That is also allowed us to automate the library activities and make
               maximum utilization of the library funds.

          5.   Non-availability of Suitable Software: Non-availability of suitable software has also
               played an important role. Though there is a number of software available for library
               management but most of them are non-standard. The main reason behind, most of the
               software has been developed without the help of a qualified librarian. As a result there
               was a stream of non-standard software. Some of these soft wares have been developed by
               big corporations like CMC but have not been proved very successful.

             Notes The software developed by institution could not be successful as they were lacking
            in marketing and after sales service. The librarian is confused as he is not in a position to
            decide what to select.

          6.   Geographical Location: Geographical location of an institution also played a very
               important role. The institutions near to a metro city were benefited by the availability of
               the resources. They were having better approach to hardware and software market and
               also the manpower for data entry. They were having approach to better training facilities.
               Hyderabad is a good example which can be cited.

          Self Assessment

          State whether the following statements are true or false:
          9.   Serials, abstracts, indexing periodicals etc. are available on CD-ROM.

          10.  The enhancement price of information materials motivated the library and information
               centres to share their resources.
          11.  The institutions near to a metro city were not benefited by the availability of the resources.

          12.  The software developed by institutions could be successful as they were lacking in
               marketing and after sales service.

          2.4 Areas and Services of Library Automation

          Library automation is generic term used to denote the various activities related with the location,
          acquisition, storage, update, manipulation, processing, repackaging or reproducing,
          dissemination or transmission or communication, an improving the quality of products and
          services of library and information centres. It enhance the speed, productivity, adequacy and
          efficiency of the library professional staff and save the manpower to avoid some routine, repetitive
          and clerical tasks such as filing, sorting, typing, duplication checking etc. on which we can
          conserve costly professional manpower for technical service and readers service. The main
          activities and services of library automation are given below.
          1.   Information Resource Building: Acquisition of books, monographs, audio-visual, electronic
               materials such as CD-ROM, maps and so on. There are some specific functions of an
               acquisition process.

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