P. 33

Library Automation

                    Notes              and consortia with a view to resource sharing, the use of modern data processing and
                                       modern communication technology offers a new dimension to cooperation among libraries.
                                       The developments in library automation efforts may be summarized as a classic case of
                                       need pull and technology push.
                                   6.  Turnkey Systems: The turnkey system is a complete system, installed by a vendor on the
                                       library’s premises. Turnkey means that the library just turns the key and the system
                                       operates. The vendor of turnkey systems supplies the hardware and complete packaged
                                       software and is responsible for dealing with any problem in the system. In the turnkey
                                       system the library staff could make the desired changes on the assumption that they
                                       possessed the necessary experience and qualifications. The most common examples of
                                       turnkey systems at present are minicomputer based integrated library system. They
                                       perform almost all housekeeping jobs as an integrated unit.

                                      Task  Critically examine in what way automation is helpful for libraries.

                                   Self Assessment

                                   Fill in the blanks:
                                   5.  The kind of document backup and storage device needed will depend largely on the size
                                       of its …………………….

                                   6.  The more the number of transactions expected in a day, the higher should be the
                                       …………………… speed and the speed of the backup storage devices.
                                   7.  Majority of the tasks performed in library operations involve the intensive use of
                                   8.  The …………………… system is a complete system, installed by a vendor on the library’s

                                   2.3 Factors for Library Automation

                                   Following are the factors for Library Automation:
                                   1.  Growing Information and Shrinking Space: The enormous growth or information
                                       explosion of literature in each area, subject in number and size and results fragmentation
                                       of literature and increasing specialization in every field of knowledge. Due to this
                                       information explosion, the quantity, variety and complexity of information are being
                                       increased rapidly in every field. Computer application can solve this problem, as it is
                                       capable of storing huge bulk of information on tiny storage mediums i.e. a CD-ROM can
                                       store the text of the complete set of Encyclopaedia Britannica. Serials, abstracts, indexing
                                       periodicals etc. are already available on CD-ROM.
                                   2.  Incensement of Users and Organizing the Flood of Information: Increasing the number of
                                       clientele of library and information centres and their specialized desires forces us to
                                       change the method of organizing information because traditional methods is going to
                                       become inadequate. The manual method has serious limitations and, facing problem to
                                       provide access to reader’s information that is available in a wide of publications from so
                                       many sources.
                                   3.  Cost Hike of Printed as well as Electronic Reading Materials and Resource Sharing: The
                                       rapidly enhancement price of information materials motivated the library and information

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