P. 32

Unit 2: Functions and Requirements of Library Automation

               issued, reminders to borrowers or vendors etc. so that the system will act as a supporting  Notes
               and speed enhancing device rather than hindering the activities and creating artificial
          4.   Types of Services Offered: The library needs to identify the services it is planning to provide.
               This will have a direct impact on the system to be selected.

                 Example: Whether the library is planning to provide; say current additions to the library
          and other current awareness services. When a wide range and complex variety of services of
          very high quality in terms of speed, timeliness, accuracy and reliability are planned by a library,
          they will have to decide on tried and tested a system – both hardware and software – which is
          known for its quality durability and speed. On the contrary if the library has only few routine
          services lined up. Then they can afford to be more adventurous and experiment with systems
          and software.

          5.   Automation and Data Processing: The quantum of information to be acquired, processed,
               housed, circulated by libraries has increased. Computers and other information
               technologies offer an efficient and effective tool for handling the burgeoning knowledge
               problem. A rapidly expanding and more literate population has generated demands for
               reader services that have far exceeded a library’s ability to respond effectively with
               traditional methods and techniques. The emerging information society has realised the
               importance of information and knowledge, thereby emphasizing the critical role libraries
               play in dispensing information. Users in turn have begun to expect more and more from
               the libraries today. Furthermore, computers have made users to expect better services
               from all social institutions including libraries. Majority of the tasks performed in library
               operations involve the intensive use of human resources. The tasks are routine and
               repetitive in nature. To illustrate, take the example of a bibliographical record of a book.
               The bibliographical details of the book like author, title, imprints information, etc., are
               required to be recorded in many different operations such as book selection slips, book
               ordering, invoicing, accessioning, cataloguing, shelf list preparation, circulation, etc.
               A variety of files are generated and maintained in libraries.

                 Example: In the acquisition section, books on order, books received, books
          recommended, etc.

               In the circulation section also files like user file and transaction files are created and
               maintained. The catalogue the most important and highly useful tool is a surrogate file of
               the entire library holdings. These files need constant updating. Modern management
               techniques are being increasingly applied to library work. The main thrust of a modern
               management technique is their emphasis on quantitative data. Consequently the demand
               for collection of accurate data of library use and other data is increasing. Many of the
               modern techniques like informatics, operations research, etc. can only be contemplated if
               the library data like circulation statistics are computerized. The queries posed to library
               records, files and systems are manifold. These files and records are helpful in answering
               queries. Traditional methods of record keeping are inadequate in answering queries quickly;
               the need for reducing response time is being increasingly recognised.

             Did u know? Today library automation is thought of as a means of enhancing the library’s
            ability to satisfy users by providing timely answers.
               Library cooperation is one of the finest and oldest traditions of librarianship. Pressures of
               inflation, budgetary cuts and information explosion are forcing librarians to form networks

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