P. 37

Library Automation

                    Notes                   Renewal and cancellation of present subscriptions.
                                            Sending reminders and follow-up of missing issues.
                                            Binding control.

                                            Accession register of bound serials.
                                            Prepare budget and maintain accounts statistics such as subject wise, binding etc.
                                   6.  Documentation and Allied Services:  Documentation and allied services includes the

                                            Indexing and abstracting of micro and macro documents. Thesaurus construction.
                                            Compilation of union catalogue.
                                            Bibliographic control.

                                            Current awareness services.
                                            Literature search.
                                            Selective dissemination of information.
                                            Newspaper clippings.
                                   7.  Information Retrieval: Users can search the database through key terms of author, subject
                                       or title, which are formulated into a search expression using Boolean operators (logical
                                       connections AND, NOT OR). Computer will display relevant terms/records that match
                                       the terms of the user’s request. Current Awareness listings, Selective Dissemination of
                                       Information (SDI) and retrospective searches are the services where the computer
                                       capabilities can be used very effectively. Index generation is another area where computer
                                       are generally of use. Computer can be used to format the entries in a permuted index and
                                       also to generate the entries for an index. Keywords can be derived from the bibliographical
                                       description, or assigned to describe the document (subject keys) and then put into the
                                       required format. KWIC indexes for instance, can be produced from titles of documents,
                                       with keywords and content generation performed by the computer. Stop lists of put
                                       forward lists prevent words like ‘a’, ‘the’, ‘of’, etc. from being used as the key terms. Fully
                                       automatic indexing can also be done through statistical analysis and word frequency
                                       counts with weighting, provided the text is machine-readable form. It thus includes:
                                            Database creation and maintenance, interactive searching, saving of in house as
                                            well as external databases.
                                            Search and print outs of quires against specified requirement.
                                            Such as about the books (issued, reserved, lost, overdue, weed-out), members ship,
                                            inter library loan, penalty charges, periodicals, newspaper clippings, reports etc.
                                            According alphabetically, chronologically, subject-wise, members-wise, keywords
                                            with each particular such as accession no-wise, title, author, call number, edition etc.

                                   Self Assessment

                                   Fill in the blanks:
                                   13.  Library automation …………………… the speed, productivity, adequacy and efficiency of
                                       the library professional staff.

                                   14.  …………………… is required for each books.

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