P. 71

Library Automation                                                  Reena Kapoor, Lovely Professional University

                    Notes                   Unit 4: Problems, Evaluation and Trends in
                                                     Library Automation Software


                                     4.1  Software Problems in Library Automation

                                     4.2  Criteria for Evaluation of Library Automation Software
                                     4.3  Trends and Future of Library Automation Software
                                     4.4  Summary
                                     4.5  Keywords
                                     4.6  Review Questions

                                     4.7  Further Readings


                                   After studying this unit, you will be able to:
                                       Discuss the software problems in Library Automation
                                       Explain the criteria for evaluation of Library Automation Software

                                       Describe the trends and future of Library Automation Software


                                   The selection of library management software is a complex and time consuming one. Apart
                                   from thorough knowledge of library system, sub-systems, procedures, activities and tasks, it
                                   requires the knowledge of LMSs features and trends in the development of ICT. The process of
                                   evaluation should be based on some predefined criteria. Now in this unit we will study the
                                   essential criteria for evaluation, recent trends and future directions of library automation software

                                   4.1 Software Problems in Library Automation

                                   This is the era of computerization, but still tradition manual working system exists in Indian
                                   libraries especially in undeveloped area. In the series of development of library world is
                                   acclimatized to computer environment in daily routine as well as information storage and
                                   retrieval. Automation to a greater extent can reduce pressure of library workload. It also shelters
                                   from work stress and fatigue. It not only offers efficient services and opens a new era in
                                   bibliographical control but provides access to required database in the country and abroad as
                                   well. Computerized library service is likely to be beset with technological, economic and
                                   attitudinal problems peculiar to most developing countries.
                                   After a long period of gestation, the libraries in India are now in a take off stage of automation
                                   and modernisation. Financial and technical inabilities are the major issues they have to tackle
                                   while modernisation. Though funding appears as the biggest problem faced by the libraries in

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