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Information Analysis and Repackaging

                   Notes         that they originally planned. ‘Choice’ examined the theory of trolleyology finding that many shoppers
                                 instinctively look to the right when they’re in the supermarket. Supermarkets prey on this biological
                                 trait by positioning many expensive impulse buying products to the right of the checkout. These
                                 products consist of the latest DVDs, magazines, chocolates, expensive batteries and other tempting
                                 products that wouldn’t normally be thought of.
                                 Supermarkets move products around to confuse shoppers, the entry point is another marketing
                                 tactic. Consumer psychologist Dr. Paul Harrison (cited in Browne, 2010) states that supermarkets
                                 are constantly using different methodologies of selling. One method is performing regular overhauls
                                 changing the locations of products all around to break habitual shopping, and break your budget.
                                 Harrison also contends that people who are shopping in a counter clockwise direction are likely to
                                 spend more money than people shopping in a clockwise direction.

                                             Consumer psychologists (cited in Browne, 2010) reported that most people write
                                             with their right hand, thus it is a biological trait that people have the tendency of
                                             veering to the right when shopping, it is understood that supermarkets capitalize
                                             on this fact. Found on the capturing right-hand side are usually appealing products
                                             that a shopper might buy impulsively e.g. an umbrella when the weather is dull.

                                 7.3 Evolution of Marketing

                                 An orientation, in the marketing context, related to a perception or attitude a firm holds towards its
                                 product or service, essentially concerning consumers and end-users. Throughout history, marketing
                                 has changed considerably in conjunction with consumer tastes.

                                 Earlier Approaches

                                 The marketing orientation evolved from earlier orientations, namely, the production orientation, the
                                 product orientation and the selling orientation.
                                                                      Table 7.1

                                   Orientation    Profit driver  European              Description

                                                                            A firm focusing on a  production orientation
                                                                            specializes in producing as much as possible
                                                                            of a given product or service. Thus, this
                                                                            signifies a firm exploiting economies of scale
                                                                            until the minimum efficient scale is reached.
                                    Production  Production      until   the  A production orientation may be deployed
                                                methods         1950s       when a high demand for a product or service
                                                                            exists, coupled with a good certainty that
                                                                            consumer tastes will not rapidly alter
                                                                            (similar to the sales orientation).
                                   Product     Quality of the   until   the  A firm employing a product orientation is
                                               product          1960s        chiefly concerned with the quality of its
                                                                             own product. A firm would also assume
                                                                             that as long as its product was of a high
                                                                             standard, people would buy and consume
                                                                             the product.

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