P. 180

Unit 10: Pre-coordinate, Post-coordinate and Citation Indexing

            Step in Chain Indexing                                                                   Notes

            Eleven steps  in Chain Procedure:
                  1. Determination of the specific subject of the document.
                  2. Expressive name of the subject
                  3. Kernel terms
                  4. Analysed name of subject
                  5. Transformed  name of subject
                  6. Standard terms
                  7. Determination of links and construction of chain.
                  8. Determination of different kinds of links
                  9. Derivation of subject headings
                 10. Preparation of cross reference entries
                 11. Arrangement.
             1.   Determination of specific subject of the document:  It is done with the help of the title of
                  the document, its table of contents and by a careful perusal of the text. By analysing the
                  subject contents of a document one arrives at its specific subject.
             2.   Expressive name of the subject:   Naming the specific subject of the document expressively
                  in the natural language.
             3.   Kernel terms:  Representation of the name of the specific subject in Kernel terms (fundamental
                  components). It is done by removing all the auxiliary words from the title.
             4.   Analyzed name of subject: Determination of the category of each fundamental component
                  according to a set of postulates and principles formulated for this purpose.
             5.   Transformed name of subject: Transforming of the analysed name of subject by rearranging,
                  if necessary, the fundamental components, according to a few additional postulates and
                  principles formulated for the purpose of governing the syntax.
             6.   Standard terms:  Standardization of each term, in the transformed name of the subject, in
                  accordance with the standard terms used in the preferred scheme of classification.
             7.   Determination of links and construction of chain: Representation f class number in the
                  form of a chain in which each link consists of two part-the class number and its translation
                  in natural language.
                  The class number and its translation is joined by “=” sign, and these signs are joined by
                  downward arrows.
             8.   Determination of the different kinds of links: Determination of different kinds of links
                  such as Sought Link (SL), False Link (FL), Unsought Link (USL) and Missing Link (ML).
                  FL: A link is a false link, if it ends with a connecting symbol or relation device, etc.
                  USL: A link in which a user is not likely to approach a document.
                  ML: A link in a chain-with-gap, corresponding to the missing isolate in the chain.
                  SL: A link in which a user is likely to approach a document.
             9.   Derivation of subject heading:  Derivation of the subject heading from each of the sought
                  links in the chain in a reverse rendering process.
            10.   Preparation of cross reference entries: In this step subject reference entry is prepared for
                  specific subject entries.

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