P. 182

Unit 10: Pre-coordinate, Post-coordinate and Citation Indexing

            Demerits of Chain Indexing                                                               Notes
                  1. It is totally dependent on a scheme of classification, as a result it tends t suffer demerits
                    related to the scheme of classification automatically.
                  2. The entries prepared through chain indexing has only one specific entry, others are all
                    broad entries.
                  3. In chain indexing, sometimes a step of division may go un-represented, by a further digit
                    of the class number. This creates the problem of missing chain.
                  4. Reverse rendering of terms, while preparing the entries is confusing to the user.
            Chain indexing was first used by the Madras University Library in 1936. It has been widely accepted
            and used by BNB from 1950-1970, LISA is based on Chain Indexing, INB has been practicing chain
            indexing since 1958.
             DRTC has lately found that chain procedure is fuly amenable to computerization. Programmes are
            being written to generate subject heading from class numbers following reverse rendering method.
            POPSI (Postulate-Based Permuted Subject Indexing)
             The inherent weakness of chain indexing has been its dependence on a scheme of classification.
            Another weakness was its disappearing chain. In view of this situation, the information scientists at
            the Documentation Research and Training Centre (DRTC), Banglore, directed themselves from these
            limitations. the Postulate Based Permuted Subject Indexing (POPSI) is the results of these efforts. It
            was developed by Ganesh Bhattacharya.

                    POPSI does not depend on the Class Number but is based on Ranganathan’s postulates
                    and principles of general theory of classification.

            POPSI  is specifically based on:
                  (a) a set of postulated Elementary  Categories (ECs) of the elements fit to form component of
                    subject proposition.
                    Elementary Categories are:
                    Discipline (D)  – It covers conventional field of study, e.g. Chemistry, Physics,
                    Entity (E)    – e.g. Plant, Lens, Eye, Book, etc.,
                    Action (A)    – e.g. Treatment, Migration, etc; and
                    Property (P)  – It includes ideas denoting the concept of ‘attribute’ – qualitative
                                    or quantitative. e.g. Power, Capacity, Property, etc.
                  (b) a set of rules of syntax with reference to ECs The Syntax is based on the Ranganathan’s
                    general theory of classification.
                  (c) a set of indicator digits or notations to denote the ECs and their subdivisions. It is got by
                    POPSI table.
                 (d) a vocabulary control device designated as ‘classaurus’.
            If A,B,C,D  are subject headings (using  each of the sought terms) then it will generate the following
            subject entries.

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