P. 184

Unit 10: Pre-coordinate, Post-coordinate and Citation Indexing

                  4. Standardisation: It is concerned with semantics. It helps in the decision of standard terms  Notes
                    for synonyms and the terms for reference generation. It is done vocabulary control. In
                    step 3 and 4, classaurus has been suggested to be used. The above chain after this step
                    will be:
                    Medicine (D), Man. Respiratory System. Lungs (E), Disease. Tuberculosis (P of E),
                    Chemotherapy (=Chemical treatment) (A on P)
                  5. Preparation of the EOC(Entry for Organising Classification): It consists of preparing
                    the entry for generating organising classification by inserting appropriate notations from
                    the POPSI table. The above chain after this step will take the following shape.
                    7 Medicine, 6 Man. Respiratory System. Lungs, 6.2 Disease. Tuberculosis, 6.2.1
                    Chemotherapy (=Chemical treatment)
                  6. Decision about TA (terms of approach): This step is concerned with the decision regarding
                    terms of approach for generating successive index entries and references.
                    In this step ‘Lungs’, ‘Tuberculosis’ and ‘Chemotherapy’ are selected as terms of approach
                    and a cross reference entry is decided to be made for ‘Chemotherapy’.
                  7. Preparation of EAC (Entries for Associative Classification): This step consists of
                    preparation of entries under each approach terms and references. This step will result in
                    the following entries.
                              7 Medicine, 6 Man. Respiratory  System. Lungs,
                              6.2 Disease. Tuberculosis, 6.2.1 Chemotherapy
                              7 Medicine, 6 Man. Respiratory  System. Lungs,
                              6.2 Disease. Tuberculosis, 6.2.1 Chemotherapy
                              7 Medicine, 6 Man. Respiratory  System. Lungs,
                              6.2 Disease. Tuberculosis, 6.2.1 Chemotherapy
                  8. Alphabetization: In this step all the index entries including references are arranged in a
                    word by word sequence
                     (i) Chemical treatment
                    (ii) Chemotherapy
                        7 Medicine…       …
                    (iii) Lungs
                        7 Medicine  …       …
                    (iv) Tuberculosis
                        7 Medicine  …       …
            POPSI is certainly an extension of Chain Indexing,  though they differ from each other. POPSI has
            successfully solved the problem of disappearing chain which was a major criticism against chain
            indexing. POPSI made the indexing system free from classification scheme because this system  is
            based on general theory of classification and is not tagged with any classification scheme.

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